I picked up this lovely little Dracula from Ecuagenera at the Sofiero orchid show in May and I just adore it! It is a medium sized cool growing Ecuadorian terrestrial or epiphytic species found at elevations of 1500 to 2400 meters. I was waiting for the flower to open up a little more before photographing it, but this is as good as it got this time around. I am guessing it might need a little bit more constant humidity to really shine as most Dracula require the relative humidity of about 80% to thrive. At night this is not a problem in the vivarium, but during the day the RH is a bit unstable and sometimes drop as low as 65% due to the cool air blowing in from the outside to keep temperatures down. I am guessing my precious little Dracula is protesting…
Demanding little creatures these Dracula, but oh so worth it!! But I have a solution on the way. I just ordered a Lucky Reptile Humidity Control device to help me regulate the RH in the vivarium with a lot more precision than I can now only using a timer. Mmmm love technology. More on this later.
this is a precision requiring one, hope with your new gadgets you’ll persuade this little flower open next year 🙂 good luck
Thanks a lot! I hope I figure it out too. All part of the challenge growing these guys. 🙂