A lovely intermediate to cool growing epiphyte from Costa Rica and Panama where it grows in cloud forests at elevations from 1200 up to 2400 meters. My plant is fairly small in size, measuring about 12-15 cm tall, but apparently the species can grow about twice as large. It produces a small cluster of flowers on a terminal inflorescence. Very petite and sweet flowers measuring about 15 mm tall, with a hint of lavender on the lip. They are supposed to be fragrant too, but I could not detect anything in particular, perhaps a faint “flowery” scent if anything. The flowers have lasted a very long time and I actually like it a whole lot more than I thought I would – nice with positive surprises. It prefers a bright and humid location with really good air circulation – a downright windy spot is not a bad thing. I grow mine mounted in the cool vivarium on the drier side.
Epidendrum endresii Rchb.f., Gard. Chron., n.s., 19: 432 (1883).
I call most of my orchids “drama queens” because their blooms tend to be so breathtakingly dramatic. This Epidendrum endresii which I do not own, seems to be so gentle and unpretentious that it would probably not survive among my bunch. It really is darling.
I would not call very many of mine drama queens, unless you look at them through a magnifying glass or macro lens… then they are more than capable of competing… This Epidendrum is just about the right size for my limited growing space. 🙂