We have spent most of the year, and very intensely the past few weeks, preparing for the largest orchid show in Sweden, GIOS. Myself and a very small but hard working group on the organizing committee are finally getting to enjoy all the fruits of our labor and we have a fantastic show this year. Really!! Today, everything was finally in place. The hall was ready, the exhibition booths were all set and the sellers had soooo many interesting plants ready for sale. Knowing that I am going to work the show all three days I decided to try and be good, starting slow. So today I only picked up my pre-orders from South Ameirca. Some really, really nice plants from Ecuagenera and Peruflora, pretty much all Pleurothallids.
This is the haul from the first day – and it is actually a lot more than it looks… there are about 3-4 plants per pot right now, soaking up the cool fog in front of the humidifier waiting for me to have time to mount them up properly for the cool vivarium. More to come so stay tuned, but for me, fist… bedtime!!
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Thanks Naoto. Nice to hear that you like my blog, and thank you for the link.