Orchid blog2017-11-23T21:16:58+01:00

Orchid blog

This blog is dormant at the moment, but it is still getting a lot of visitis so I will keep it up for you guys as a resource. My future adventures will be published on my new blog, hope to see you there!

My focus… if pressed to name favorites it would have to be orchids of the Pleurothallid Alliance. But a Paphiopedilum was the first orchid I ever fell in love with so slipper orchids will always be close to my heart, and while we are on the subject I might as well disclose a love affair with Neofinetia as well.

The Swedish Orchid Society magazine

I have not had a whole lot of time to write lately, and I have had soooo much to write about too! There is so much blooming over here right now that I have not had the time to photograph them all. But I have a pretty good reason for it. I am very pleased to announce that I have been entrusted with both the layout responsibilities, as well as editor-in-chief position, for the Swedish Orchid [...]

By |October 8th, 2011|A day in the life of..., Projects|6 Comments

Ascocenda Princess Mikasa

Everytime my princess blooms it costs me money. Not to say it is really her fault or really that bad of a thing, but every time she blooms I fall in love with Vandas all over again and I go shopping for more. This time she cost me a Vanda tricolor var. suavis... Granted, a species I have been dreaming about for a very long time, but simply have been able to resist the urge [...]

By |September 22nd, 2011|My orchids|10 Comments

Masdevallia roseola

Some orchids are just amazing bloomers, and this is definitely one of those. It blooms with this intense vigor twice a year in spring and fall with a sweet display of 30+ fragrant flowers with a lovely scent of honey. Masdevallia roseola is a miniature intermediate to cool growing epiphyte from Peru and Ecuador where it grows at elevations of 1500 to 1900 meters. I grow it mounted on EpiWeb in the cool vivarium at medium/low light levels. [...]

By |September 18th, 2011|My orchids|4 Comments

Restrepia cuprea

This intermediate, small growing epiphyte grows at at 1700 meters on the eastern slopes of the central cordillera in Colombia. It is commonly called "the copper-colored Restrepia", and it is not hard to see why. The deep color almost seem metallic under the lights. I got it from Ecuagenera in May, and it is now blooming for the first time. I grow it mounted on EpiWeb fairly bright on the slightly dryer side of the vivarium. [...]

By |September 3rd, 2011|My orchids|2 Comments

Fog system 2.0

Finally, I have completed an upgrade to the fog delivery system in the cool vivarium. This new system is delivering the fog horizontally, cascading down about two thirds of the back wall and the right side, enveloping the plants mounted there in a cool mist, and filling the whole vivarium with fog in about 3-4 minutes. I have to turn the fans off while operating the humidifier, otherwise they just smash the fog to bits, but [...]

By |August 28th, 2011|Cool vivarium build, Projects|13 Comments

Lepanthes turialvae

Here is proof that good things really do come in small packages. I adore this little one. It is growing like crazy and is blooming profusely, what is not to love. Well, the flowers only measure about 2-3 mm, so you do need some good camera gear to really enjoy it, but that's a small matter... I am willing to have oversight with the diminutive size of the flowers in the genus because the amount of detail [...]

By |August 22nd, 2011|My orchids|2 Comments
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