I have been dreading sitting down and really figuring out how to fix all the stuff that broke when I upgraded the blog software to the latest version. Practically all the external plugins stopped working, but most developers were quick with fixes – but not the most important one, the one I use to manage photos. Kind of disturbing to be so reliant on one person/plugin to make the blogging a pleasurable and smooth operation, but since I am no PHP whiz that’s life.
Luckily enough people thought that this particular plugin was too cool to drop and figured out a fix for it since the developer unfortunately seems to have been to busy to take on the challenge. I can recommend this thread on the WordPress forums for you who like the Flickr Managerplugin and have been tearing your hair out ever since WordPress 2.8 came out (you’d want the solution from fwaggle – not ogrethegreat).