About Karma

Karma is a digital nomad graphic artist and writer, orchid nerd and long-distance hiker from Gothenburg, Sweden. Former editor-in-chief for the Swedish Orchid Society magazine, published internationally and held lectures on orchid culture.

Day 5: Carving circles in *hell*

Let me tell you one thing about PVC. It is freaking hard as hell and still the most brittle material you ever saw!! I admit it. I capitulate. I will pay someone to cut the darn circles or it will near kill me, and still not look very good. I just need a bottom and a lid so hopefully it won’t be too expensive. I hate it when hubby is right (only kidding dear).

I found […]

By |2008-10-06T14:58:11+02:00October 6th, 2008|Categories: Projects|Tags: , |Comments Off on Day 5: Carving circles in *hell*

Day 4: Oops, and the more you learn the less you know

Another trip out to the local hardware store to replace my original type of silicone for one made specifically for aquariums – apparently, the regular stuff would not have stuck to the PVC material I am using since it contains oil. You learn something new every day.

On the upside. I found a real cool termometer/hygrometer to use for the build so that made it all worthwhile.

By |2008-10-05T14:58:13+02:00October 5th, 2008|Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Day 4: Oops, and the more you learn the less you know

Day 3: With some wonderful help from strangers…

Just when I had begun to despair, I received a donation of a clay pipe from a fellow friend on an orchid forum I frequent, thank you very much Tommy! He even had it sent up for me to collect at the big orchid show in town this weekend by another fellow forum friend, thanks Piali! Now the project is ‘go’ again!

By |2008-10-04T14:48:22+02:00October 4th, 2008|Categories: A day in the life of...|Tags: , |Comments Off on Day 3: With some wonderful help from strangers…

Day 2: Can it be done?

Alright. I know what I need to accomplish, but can it be done? I can buy a prefab. nano for about 2500 kr (swedish krona), but can I build it cheaper myself and still be satisfied with the result?

After doing some more research I think I can bring it in for around 500 kr if I build it myself so I am forging ahead. I found the PVC sheet to make the tube from and […]

By |2008-10-03T18:32:14+02:00October 3rd, 2008|Categories: A day in the life of...|Tags: , |Comments Off on Day 2: Can it be done?

Day 1: What does it entail?

After realizing that my dream about a large growing cabinet for a collection of warmer growing orchids is going to take some time to save up for, I have decided to build a nano-orchidarium to tide me over. What is a nano-orchidarium you say? Well… let me tell you all about it.

Day 1: What does it entail?

Building a small tube and putting orchids in it – no problem. But what do […]

By |2008-10-02T14:47:13+02:00October 2nd, 2008|Categories: A day in the life of...|Tags: , |Comments Off on Day 1: What does it entail?
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