Orchid blog
This blog is dormant at the moment, but it is still getting a lot of visitis so I will keep it up for you guys as a resource. My future adventures will be published on my new blog, hope to see you there!
My focus… if pressed to name favorites it would have to be orchids of the Pleurothallid Alliance. But a Paphiopedilum was the first orchid I ever fell in love with so slipper orchids will always be close to my heart, and while we are on the subject I might as well disclose a love affair with Neofinetia as well.
Lepanthes melpomene
I would like to wish you all a very nice Christmas with images of this lovely Lepanthes, named after Melpomene who initially was the Greek muse of singing and later became the muse of tragedy. Perhaps it only works in my warped mind, but it somehow seemed a fitting theme for the day... the rest of you - go with the intense beauty of the species! It is truly mesmerizing! ...and with a little imagination [...]
Dracula velutina
I love everything about Dracula orchids, and this species does not disappoint... I love the shape of the flowers, the awesome dark red to nearly black sepaline tails an the coloring - especially from the back. I adore the icicle looking texture of the flowers and the little monkey face in the middle of the flowers just makes me smile. Dracula velutina is a medium sized cool to cold growing epiphyte from Colombia. I got this from [...]
Masdevallia (Acinopetala) nicaraguae
A small to medium size warm to intermediate growing epiphyte that was found in the in cloud forest on Mombacho Volcano in Nicaragua, but it grows across most of Central America. The waxy white flowers measure about 1,5 cm tall and bloom on a short, single flowered, suberect inflorescence amidst the leaves. I really like the sparse pink and green details inside the flowers and the faint smell of soap, they kind of look like they smell if that [...]
Paphiopedilum appletonianum
This handsome fellow has been my main dinner-table decoration this season, and it is very good at its job. A stunning centerpiece with gorgeous compact mottled leaves with a super tall and slender inflorescence that won't impede dinner conversations. I adore the little guy and would not mind having an entire window box of them blooming every Christmas – much better than any other typical seasonal plants, even a tree. Paphiopedilum appletonianum is a medium sized, warm [...]
Cattleya Dahlenburg Mini
This is rather nice mini Cattleya hybrid, named after the town where the grower (Karge) is located. I am actually not that big on Cattleya hybrids in general, and I think what it is I really like about this particular one is the way it grows - mounted on a small terracotta pipe. It seems well suited for this particular mounting technique as each new bulb meanders nicely around the pipe and is bound to cover [...]
Epidendrum endresii
A lovely intermediate to cool growing epiphyte from Costa Rica and Panama where it grows in cloud forests at elevations from 1200 up to 2400 meters. My plant is fairly small in size, measuring about 12-15 cm tall, but apparently the species can grow about twice as large. It produces a small cluster of flowers on a terminal inflorescence. Very petite and sweet flowers measuring about 15 mm tall, with a hint of lavender on the lip. [...]