A small but very beautiful little Pleurothallis from the section Ancipitia. It hails from the wet forests of Costa Rica and Panama where it grows at altitudes from 800 to 1700 meters. It is a prolific bloomer, mine has been blooming for a few months already. The flowers are small and don’t quite open up all the way so the flower looks a little bit bell shaped from a distance. I have seen other photos of this species, my friend has one for example, where the color of the lip is much brighter in color. Mine is almost baby pink which is rather sweet I think. Wonder if the color is climate related or if it is just a variation of the species? I grow mine cool but it can handle a range of temperatures. I keep it mounted on EpiWeb on the wetter side of the vivarium under medium low light and in high humidity.
Pleurothallis eumecocaulon
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Congratulations for your beautiful orchids
Thank you Theodoros!