There is something tragic, yet very graceful, when the orchid flower has done its time. It slowly begins to wilt and finally become a memory (or a mummy) of its former beauty. Yet it lingers, refusing to give up the right to exist, to remember its former grandeur. Sometimes I almost like this process more than buds opening, in a macabre, Edgar Allan Poe sort of way… exploring the theme of death. Although I study flowers, not beautiful women… at least in this tale.
The death of an orchid flower
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Hi! My name is Mike and I follow your awesome blog. I currently only have a phal, but right now it’s enough to deal with. Anyway, recently I transferred my phal into S/H, and the adaptation hasn’t been so smooth. I was wondering if you could possibly give me some advice? I’ve included a link to the Orchid Board, where I’ve posted about my issue. I have this strange white substance near my reservoir and I don’t know what it is or what to do exactly. Any thoughts you might have would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Mike. I am very happy to hear that youenjoy my blog. “One Phal” is usually how it starts… for me it was “one Paph”… 😉 You say that the transfer into s/h have been less than smooth? Was your orchid actively growing new roots when you made the change into s/h? If not the acclimatization might take a very long time (or fail). I am no s/h expert, and I have never seen any of the stuff you describe in my s/h pots, but I have to agree with cirillonb’s estimation on OB. I think the slimy goo (the less scientific term for it) must be a kind of fungi or pseudomenbrane of some sort. I am not quite sure what you should do about it to tell you the truth, but if the orchid is healthy perhaps it is only an unsightly nuisance and it is best left as it is? I suppose if you sterilized the whole setup, rinsed the roots really well under a hard stream of running water followed by a dip in an anti-fungi solution (diluted according to directions) and started over – it might not come back – or perhaps it will. Could be worth a try. Good luck!
Thanks, Karma. I flushed a diluted bleach solution through it, and it seems to be cleaner down there by the reservoir so I don’t think it was a big issue. I plan on doing it again later for safe measure. When I repotted into S/H, it had one active new root growing which I took as a good sign, I currently have three new root nubbins though they are growing super slow. My mistake was repotting just before the winter, as I believe the cold really set my phal back a bit. It’s a little frustrating, as it just seems to be one set back after another. I expected my old roots to die, but not before the new root(s) had taken in. I had nicknamed my one good root (the new one at time of repot) “Luke Skywalker,” and its’ tip just turned black today. There’s been some issues with that cotton looking mold. I’ve had to swab it with alcohol every morning, and I then followed with a watering. But with my other roots growing so slowly, if at all, and this one going, I’m getting worried that it won’t make it.
Sorry to hear about your struggle Mike. But I don’t think you should give up on it yet, it might be set back a little bit in the development but it will probably bounce back. I am not sure, but I doubt it was the slimy stuff that harmed the roots. I have no personal experience with bleach and living plants, but perhaps it (or even the alcohol) caused the damage to the much more sensitive root tips? Sometimes we loose a few in order to learn new things… that’s life. But I hope you can save yours. Good luck with it.