This was a good day for the orchid fiend. There was a (very small) orchid show at one of the flowershops an hour north of here. I had special ordered a few plants from the main grower supplying the show, Karge from Germany, but of course there were several impulse buys as well…
So after about an hour of perusing, with the very patient dear husband standing by with the progressively heavier shopping basket, we came home with the Phalaenopsis Mini Mark and Ascocenda Highland Gem that I had ordered. Unfortunately the one orchid I had really been looking forward to, the Vanda sanderiana, had not been shipped very well. It had 4 broken leaves right in the middle of the plant. It would never look very good again… kind of lopsided, even though it had been a very nice specimen. So with a heavy heart I left it at the show.
Well, enough with the sad face. As luck would have it, an Aerangis mooreana, Pleurothallis yucatanensis, Paphiopedilum Ho Chi Minh, Phalaenopsis sanderiana and a very nice Prosthechea vitellina with 3 flower spikes managed to jump into my basket as well. So this was a very good day!!