Ascocenda Princess Mikasa BlueI used to think of zip ties as a marvel of modern invention, a convenience so brilliant I’d put it right up there with duct tape. But not today. I hang one of my light fixtures from a shelf about half way down in my window. Today when I came home one of the zip ties had broken, not slipped out of the lock, but snapped in half! The light fixture was hanging from one hook pointing straight at a few of my vanda at a distance of about 2 centimeters, and by the looks of things it had been like this for hours. My beautiful Ascocenda Princess Mikasa was badly burnt on the tips of two leaves and the little Trudelia alpina had a couple of singed tips as well…

I suppose I should be grateful. Had the second zip tie snapped at the force of one side falling, all my little flask babies below would have been smashed. Had the fixture landed face down, the survivors would have been barbecued. Still, it is hard to feel grateful when you look at the irreparable damage on my Princess.