About Karma

Karma is a digital nomad graphic artist and writer, orchid nerd and long-distance hiker from Gothenburg, Sweden. Former editor-in-chief for the Swedish Orchid Society magazine, published internationally and held lectures on orchid culture.

Trichosalpinx – another name to learn to impress your friends

Trichosalpinx sp.This lovely little miniature epiphyte hails from Costa Rica. I got it in a trade with a friend late this fall and it is now blooming for the first time for me. It has tiny (5 mm) flowers, in fact they are so small you almost have to photograph them to really see how beautiful the flowers really are (just wish I had […]

By |2017-10-13T11:26:02+02:00February 13th, 2010|Categories: My orchids|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Masdevallia vs. the wallpaper

Masdevallia tovarensisI have two very nice Masdevallia tovarensis orchids. Both of which are in bud right now. One bud opened early in December and it was beautiful!! But the rest are just sitting there, waiting. Waiting for what!?! Every day  go in there looking, hoping, waiting. But nothing.

I finally figured out that I think they want more humidity in order to deliver the […]

By |2017-10-13T11:26:03+02:00February 4th, 2010|Categories: My orchids|Tags: , , , , |8 Comments

Gastrochilus sororius a faithful bloomer

Gastrochilus sororiusThis miniature orchid from the Trichoglottis Alliance was first described by Schlechter in 1913. It hails from the hills and lower montane forests of the Greater Sunda Islands where it grows at elevations up to about 1550 meters. The flowers form small clusters on a very short inflorescence and they are small, about 15 mm, but has great detail. I love the “fringe” […]

By |2017-10-13T11:26:06+02:00January 17th, 2010|Categories: My orchids|Tags: , , , |4 Comments

Seed pod failure

Prosthechea cochleataIt has been quite exciting to follow the development of the Prosthechea cochleata seed pod over the past few weeks. It has been swelling rather quickly and it has been a thrill to watch as it is my first pollination attempt. Then things started going wrong… The new bud forming on this years new bulb started turning brown, I did not see any […]

The aptly named Masdevallia descendens

Masdevallia descendensThis lovely little orchid is blooming now for the fist time. I really like the shape of the flowers and the slight sheer interior. Mine has quite a bit more yellow in the color than other pictures I have seen of this species. I bought another Masdevallia (M. rolfeana) at the same time from the same grower that was mislabeled. […]

By |2017-10-13T11:26:07+02:00January 9th, 2010|Categories: My orchids|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

The death of an orchid flower

Masdevallia tovarensisThere is something tragic, yet very graceful, when the orchid flower has done its time. It slowly begins to wilt and finally become a memory (or a mummy) of its former beauty. Yet it lingers, refusing to give up the right to exist, to remember its former grandeur. Sometimes I almost like this process more than buds opening, in a macabre, Edgar Allan […]

By |2017-10-13T11:26:07+02:00January 6th, 2010|Categories: A day in the life of...|Tags: , , , , |4 Comments
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